Our Rotating Viewing Party
Guilty TV pleasures. We all have them. And, ahh, some of us have more than one favorite that has us clamoring to the couch every week.
As we did last year, we planned to have friends over to kick off the premiere of the new season of one of our favorite shows. Everyone had so much fun that we decided…why not make this a weekly occurrence? And so, our weekly rotating viewing party was born.
Here are a few tips for starting your own easy weeknight viewing party!
Have a “come as you are” policy. Did we dress up in character for the premiere party? Of course! But when it comes to a weekly gathering on a “school night,” a casual, informal policy on attire is best. Whether we’re meeting up in suits after a day of work followed by receptions, clad in Soul Cycle garb, or sporting our best skinny jeans, button-downs, and scarves looks, we are all ready for one thing: showing up for an evening of fun, fellowship, and plenty of laughs.
Make it easy on the hosts. We rotate houses and hosts every week. Since our group is 4-6 couples strong, the hosting houses and duties are spaced out over time. This keeps things manageable so you don’t have one host shouldered with the responsibility of hosting every month, and it gives everyone a chance to pull out the fun glassware!
Potluck, potluck, potluck. With all of us having crazy schedules between work, extra-curriculars, and kids, having a potluck viewing party is key. We also have a no-judgment policy, meaning that a homemade appetizer is just as fabulous as picking up nuggets from a favorite stop or hitting up that all-too-convenient hot bar. We always end up with a fabulous spread – and way too much food!
Be consistent. We hold our viewing party every week, regardless of how many people can make it. We’ve had everyone show up before and only two couples show up before – and both were equally as fun! Either way, sticking to the schedule and keeping it consistent and reliable makes it easy for people to plan.
Keep it light and fun. Having the added commentary of friends will make your already-favorite shows that much better! Remember not to take it too seriously and have fun with it. If one host wants to do a themed evening, try it out. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Happy viewing!