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I recently shared my top picks for toddler cold weather gear, so I thought it only right to share my favorite pieces for baby! And, you guys, this is taking me back. One of our first trips with our then-baby was across the country to Vail for a snowy getaway in November.
What all of this meant, of course, was making sure I had waterproof cold weather gear not just for us, but for baby, too! I have to make a plug here for our post on traveling cross-country with baby. It’s a good one.
I think the all-star of this packing list is the L.L. Bean baby snowsuit. It’s a nice, soft down that’s still lightweight enough that baby can move in it. The best part is the foldover mittens and booties. Our little one wasn’t even crawling yet, so I knew we were going to be okay without shoes. This was good news since the Native snowboots I purchased in a frenzy wouldn’t even fit over his heels!
Going from outdoors to indoors meant there was lots of layering happening – and a sweet onesie with a sweater over it wasn’t going to cut it. I opted for these inexpensive but efficient thermal bodysuits and pants. They were incredibly easy to deal with and fit underneath all of his cute clothes. Most importantly, they hugged and kept him warm and toasty.
On top of those, I layered sweaters, sweatpants, and socks. I purchased his darling hat last year at The Purple Goose in Del Ray, but that was before I switched over quickly to these (h/t to Being Bridget). I can’t tell you guys enough how amazing they are. They’re cute. They come in basic colors. AND, they are under $20, which means if one gets lost, it’s not the end of the world. Probably the biggest seller for me though is the fleece lining. It keeps ears nice and cozy and my son will actually wear it and leave it on. Moms and dads, THIS is a win.
In addition to clothing items, we also brought a cashmere blanket for layering and our MVP, which was our Babyzen Yoyo footmuff. I’ll have to dedicate a separate post on why the Yoyo is the most incredible travel stroller. For now, you’ll just have to take my word for it. We have the black Yoyo and purchased the taupe footmuff. Chic, chic look, friends. I love it.
I am a big fan of buying footmuffs that fit onto your exact stroller. We went with the 7AM Enfant footmuff for our Uppababy Vista because I liked the look and feel a bit better, but that’s been the exception. The Yoyo footmuff fits seamlessly and is super cozy. Our son actually fell asleep on top of the mountain because he was so warm and tucked in.
Happy – and toasty – travels!