Because Getting There is Half the Battle

Making my health a priority is one of my top goals for 2019. I like to think it’s similar to needlepoint or reading where I will do it if I have it with me, so I always try to keep my gym bag nearby.
That means I always have it in my car as I’m driving to work. I’ll take it in and set it in my office so that I don’t forget or I’ll leave it in the backseat of the car. Either way, I know I have everything I need to get a good workout in at any time during my day. Here are a few tips that help me remember to get to the gym!

1.Scheduling my workouts into my calendar. I’m not sure what I would do without my calendar. I schedule shoots for the blog, reminders, and little things like dropping and picking up dry cleaning. Naturally, making time to work out is made much easier if I schedule it into my day. It’s harder to avoid a trip to the gym if it’s already built into my calendar. If your studio or gym has an app, it’s that much easier to export the class you’re taking into your schedule for the day. Having a few friends at the gym to hold you accountable helps, too!
2.Travel size and shower essentials. My favorite shampoo, conditioner, face wash, and face lotion are always in my gym bag. This is also the perfect place to house all of those Sephora samples. I keep an extra bottle of dry shampoo, hair spray, and an extra round brush in my bag just in case I have somewhere to flit off to after my workout. Flip flops are always in there, too, in case I take a shower at the gym.

3.Extra undergarments and socks. I always keep an extra pair of socks, barre socks (grippy socks), and undergarments in my bag. I make it a point to replace any of these items every evening after I’ve worked out. You never know when you might need them, so it’s always best to have them easily accessible – especially if you’re getting your workout in at lunch.
4.Keeping my gym bag stocked and always replenishing after a workout. This is key. After I’ve worked out, I always take time that evening to replace my used workout clothes with new ones. A new water bottle or protein bar also go into my bag if they need to be replaced. I always use the plastic bags at my gym that wet swimsuits go into to stow my dirty gym clothes until I get home.

5.Water bottle. I’ve been getting myself into the habit of keeping a water bottle on me at all times in an effort to drink more water. I am obsessed with the Tervis Tumbler large water bottles and I’ve been collecting them at some of my favorite places we’ve traveled. Keeping one of these at my desks during the day, then dragging it along and refilling it at the gym makes remembering to bring water to the gym so easy.

This post contains affiliate links, but all are tried and true Magnolia Stripes favorites.